Common questions

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Fraud, theft or misuse of company assets
  • Bribery, corruption, illegal behaviour or wrong-doing
  • Victimisation.

All reports made to this service are treated confidentially and you can remain anonymous if you wish to.

A person who makes a report in good faith will not be disadvantaged as a result of their report.

How can I reach the Ethics Line? 

T1 +61 3 9811 3260

Free call 21300 815 612

T1 +61 3 9811 3261

Free call 21300 844 377

T1 +61 3 9811 3265

Free call2 1300 627 951

T1 +61 3 9811 3266

Free call 1300 413 999^

T1 +61 3 9811 3262

Free call2 1300 817 574

T1 +61 3 9811 3275